Guaranteed best price
Gosset Hotel

Guaranteed best price

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Best Rate Guaranteed
Cancellation up to 24H
Free parking
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Terms & Conditions

Group Reservation

When there is a request of +5 rooms, we consider your reservation as a group booking.


A reservation can be made online, by e-mail or by phone. The hotel will reconfirm the reservation with a confirmation letter by e-mail. To modify or cancel a reservation, the group leader must write an e-mail to the hotel.

Cancellation policy for groups

Cancellation of the reservation or part of the reservation can be made free of charge up to one month before check-in date.

From 4 weeks prior          25% of cancellation value                                                                                From 3 weeks prior          50% of cancellation value                                                                               From 2 weeks prior          75% of cancellation value                                                                               Later than 1 week prior   100% of cancellation value
Any other changes or cancellations will be charged 100% of the value of the change/cancellation.

Financial Aspect

Credit card information (card number and expiry date) is required to have a confirmed reservation. For group reservations from 10+ rooms, a deposit of 50% of the total reservation must be paid 2 weeks in advance.

No-Shows (non-cancelled rooms)

In case of no-show - if a guest does not show up for the hotel room as per the reservation - the stay will be charged in full.


Gosset Hotel is a non-smoking hotel. We reserve the right to charge a deep cleaning surcharge of    150 euro upon or after your departure. It is not allowed to cook in the rooms.


The hotel has no responsibility for items stored within the hotel property. The hotel will however take responsibility if damage or loss of any item is caused through negligence by the hotel. The organizer of the group is responsible of reporting any damage to hotel property.

Force majeure

Strike, lockout, fire, delivery restrictions or other circumstances that are beyond the hotels reasonable control, entitles the hotel to cancel the contract without reimbursement. The hotel also reserves the right to adjust the price for taxes/fees, which are beyond the control of the hotel.

It is the responsibility of the group leader to ensure that everyone is involved in the reservation is aware of above-mentioned cancellation policy.